Symposium on Panpsychism
October 26, 2013
Freiburg, Germany
The Society for Mind-Matter Research organizes a one-day symposium
on Saturday, October 26, on the topic of panpsychism. The symposium
follows the Fechner Day Conference and gives participants of both
meetings the opportunity to extend their stay and make their trip to
Freiburg more rewarding.
Fechner himself, the founder of psychophysics, was one of the historically
significant representatives of panpsychism -- the doctrine that mind is a
fundamental feature of the world which exists throughout the universe.
Panpsychism has seen distinctly revived interest, mainly in the philosophy
of mind, in recent years.
Our keynote speakers, Michael Hampe (ETH Zurich) and Ludwig Jaskolla
(Munich School of Philosophy), will introduce and review the field of
panpsychism from theoretical and practical perspectives. The goal
of the symposium is a critical discussion of these perspectives
together with all participants.
Please inform us as soon as possible
(society at if you will attend the symposium, so that we can plan
all necessary details properly. The schedule of the symposium will be distributed
in early September. There will be no participation fee for members of the Society.